Quote Originally Posted by Artemisfanboy View Post
I don't think you're actually rating popularity so much in that case so much as what WB considers "marketable". WB considers Suicide Squad more "marketable" to the general public than the JSA so they get a push. But none of these media necessarily translate back to making comics more popular. And given what is considered "marketable" to the general audience by WB can be quite arbitrary and not based on actual existing comic popularity, and media pushes have traditionally never had much carry over to increasing comic readership, I'm not sure it's actually accurate to say Suicide Squad is more popular than the the JSA. I think as far as the comic reading fanbase goes, the JSA is still solidly considered the third major DC superhero team despite how they been ignored by DC for years.
Again: Not talking about popularity with the comic hardcore, talking popular with the general audience. Suicide Squad was one of the most profitable movies for WB, Gunn’s reboot is getting a ton of attention, the reveal trailer for the SS game has a lot of views on YouTube. Suicide Squad is far more popular with the general audience than the JSA are at the moment. Black Adam might change that, but as things stand right now that’s how I see it.