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Thread: Smaug vs Draco

  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member MichaelC's Avatar
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    Default Smaug vs Draco

    Smaug from the Hobbit movies vs Draco from "Dragonheart"

  2. #2


    It's been a while but I'm pretty sure Smaug is way waaay bigger and generally more impressive.
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  3. #3


    Draco is also significantly easier to hurt conventionally. Arrows, swords and spears will cause injuries, and he was also captured with nets and chains, if I recall correctly.

    Bard the Bowman in the movies needed a specific kind of arrow launched from a rather large bow - or uh, a lashed bowstring braced on the neck of his son, ech - and had to hit a specific weak point to kill movie Smaug, and even this specific kind of black arrow would bounce off his scales if it didn't hit the weak point.

    Draco was killed by a guy throwing an axe. Yes, he literally lifted up his scales for the killshot, but prior to that, Dennis Quaid almost killed him by stabbing him through the roof of the mouth and had him on the ropes with rather conventional medieval weaponry. It was also something of a plot device that injury to Draco would transfer to the prince and vice-versa. I seem to recall this was demonstrated both ways before he was done in, but I could be wrong.

    Of course, there's teh above mentioned size differential. Pretty sure Smaug could literally eat Draco in a few bites.

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