So basically:

-Half of the Star Wars monthly features Poe Dameron's parents. Baby Poe even makes a cameo in hologram form in the last issue.
-Darth Vader's current one is all about Exegol, the Sith Wayfinder and Ochii.
-Not quite as bad, but part of the recent Doctor Aphra comics take place on Canto Bight.

I'm kind of reminded a bit of Dark Horse and Del Rey when the prequels came out-even the OT stories focused less on Luke and co. and more on having them come across Clone Troopers or in one particular novel (Tatooine Ghost) which is more or less Leia going on a grand tour of Anakin's Tatooine upbringing, the Tusken village massacre, and learning about her grandmother. Or how the New Jedi Order pretty much resolved itself because of a planet Anakin and Obi-Wan did something on, and Luke, twenty years or so into his new Jedi Order, suddenly deciding to form a Jedi Council.