In comics, in tv, in movies, in everything. Why is everyone so obsessed with everything having to connect to everything else?

DC could have had so many movies out by now for all their main characters in their own universe. But no we have to wait so long cause we have to keep starting over and build a foundation first and then have everything slowly sprawl from that. Cavill should be on his 4th Superman solo movie by now. Aquaman trilogy should also be in the books by now.

I cant just sit down and read an entire Supergirl series from any era cause its injected with so much bull shit from "events" that I have to put the comic down and pick up my phone to access Wikimedia to find out what's going on every other issue. Wait what??? Why is Supergirl and Powergirl stuck on Candor all of a sudden? What does this have to do with anything??????

Ok I'm calm now. I'm surprised Rambo Terminator and Die Hard hasn't been retconned to exist in same universe.