Here's my top 9:

1.) Daredevil

2.) Jessica Jones

3.) WandaVision

4.) Agents of Shield

5.) Falcon and Winter Soldier

6.) Cloak and Dagger

7.) Punisher

8.) Luke Cage

9.) The Incredible Hulk

I'm kinda surprised at where I placed Luke Cage, tbh. He's one of my favorite MCU characters (def more than The Punisher whose show I placed higher), but I tried to order them in terms of most consistent. As much as the first half of Luke Cage's first season blows most of the rest of the lists story arcs our of the water, it was just all kind of downhill from there. Not necessarily bad, mind you. It just couldn't compare to season 1's first half.

Although it never got the kind of attn most of these other shows got, I really liked Cloak & Dagger. It may not've been the flashiest due to it's budget, but I really liked the fact that the two really came off like kids as opposed to just acting like smart alecky 20 somethings. And I thought the story was pretty solid throughout as well.

I was also kind of surprised at how high I placed Agents of SHIELD. That show pretty much solely got by for me on the likability of it's cast. Regardless of whatever Whedon's status in Hollywood is now, that man knows how to cast a show.