I can hear some of the replies now, "We don't need to retread that story AGAIN" or "It's a classic and fine the way it is." So before I'm cast out for hypocrisy, hear me out.

I think the Death of Superman has become a story that's nearly as important as his origin. It introduces so many classic concepts/characters with Doomsday, Kon-El, Steel, Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, etc. And while it's the story that got me into Superman and I still love it to this day... it's starting to feel dated.

If you hand someone a copy, you have to explain why Supergirl gets punched into a blob, why Lex is a Luthor Jr with red hair and an Australian accent, why Cyborg Superman is a Reed Richards reject, the D-list JLA, etc. I could go on. And for some people, part of the fun is going back to the 90's era Superman and watching that whole epic unfold thanks to the tight-nit continuity. I know, I was one of those kids that loved being able to see Superman's adventures play out every week. But, as a self-contained story, it isn't holding up like it used to.

So what would I suggest DC do? Retell it. They recently released a Black Label book called "Harleen" that retells the origin of Harley Quinn (even though we already have the excellent "Mad Love"). I think that would be the way to go. Retell in under the Black/Digital label. Then people can pick which one they'd like to read, the old-school original or a self-contained modernization. It can be in continuity only if the reader wants it to.

But they have to make sure the retelling hits all the major beats of the original without completely rewriting it. They just need to make it more self-contained. Something similar to the recent animated movie (without all the Darkseid nonsense).

If I had my way, I'd make it a 90's love-letter and tie in the engagement to Lois and maybe at the end of the story have them get married. Then you could have a solid before/after point in Superman's life. Any writer that want's to tell a classic Superman story before Lois knew Superman was Clark, can place it before this story. And everyone else can tell more modern tales with Lois and Clark married and their son Jon (who also needs a retelling of his origin because that's another continuity mess... maybe for another day).

So what do you all say? Am I crazy? Do you agree? If you do, what would be your take on a new Death & Return?