Personally, i have always loved the social commentary in xmen. Sometimes, it can be a bit pretentious. Looking at older stuff, i see a lot of tropes and stereotypes being used in an attempt to make the characters more diverse. I try and keep things in context. Most of all these books were written by white males and the vast majority i feel like are making the attempt. Its easy to look back and point fingers that they did not do enough research or talk with said minorities on their approach but overall i just see it for what it is. An attempt being made. Personally, i think today’s woke politics can be annoying and just downright arrogant. The same way i do with extreme right wing views. People feel threatened of certain things and they make a big deal about it but at the end of the day the world still turns. I think the comics have gotten a lot better in being inclusive but i also feel there is a lot of work that still needs to be done to address certain issues. Giving minority characters a voice and drawing them appropriately would be my biggest gripe as sometimes some characters feel like tokens to just get that inclusive feel and the character does not really add anything significant. I dunno i guess i have a more moderate view.