I spend most of my time reading comments rather than posting, and one thing I've noticed, is the vastly different criteria when judging the quality of a comic issue:

Art Criticism
The art: framing, composition, sequencing. Along with lettering, colouring, and of course the story itself.

Critical Theory
What does this issue offer? In what way does it contribute to society? Does it do so negatively or positively? Does it have proper representation within the story, and by those who created it? Does it play into stereotypes or does it challenge our preconceived notions?

I am First Nations. And as a minority, I'm often surprised by how passionate people are with the critical theory approach. Especially from people who would not identify as a minority. I'm caught off guard by the criticism of others on my behalf when I myself don't feel that way. But also recognize the value of it, and am encouraged by the convictions of people who just want to make the world a more inclusive welcoming place, even if I don't necessarily agree with the approach.
One example being identity politics. But that's okay. I'm not going to die on that hill. I know myself well enough to know that I'm not an expert on these issues. My opinions come from my age, my upbringing, my experiences, and my disposition. Not from research and data. So I can be swayed.

I love X-Men for the ideas of family, for the sense of adventure, for the contrived and convoluted continuity, and of course the characters. A group of outsiders who want to belong, but belong on their own terms.

I would love to hear from you all about how you approach art in general, and more specifically X-Men comics, how do you approach older material? Do you hold it to the same standard as current releases? Do you focus on the story and art, or do you focus on where it exists in today's society?

I truly hope this doesn't open a can of worms. I just think if we have a better understanding of where each of us is coming from, it may help us be nicer and more patient with one another when discussing our favourite mutants.