So, with Man of Tomorrow having been out for half a year, how would my fellow Superman fans rank his solo animated flicks and why? Here are the movies I am including.

Superman: Brainiac Attacks
Superman: Doomsday
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
All Star Superman
Superman vs The Elite
Superman Unbound
Death of Superman
Reign of the Supermen
Superman: Man of Tomorrow

Let me know if I left one off.

Personally, I would go

1) Superman: Man of Tomorrow which I think is the modern Superman reboot we deserve and I think has a script worthy of a live action film.

2) Death of/Reign, which does a great job at distilling the great parts of the original story and updating the dated elements (bizarre JLA lineup, Aussie Lex, Matrix Supergirl).

3) Superman vs the Elite, which is such a cool exploration and validation of Clark's morals.

4) Public Enemies, which is just a wild ride with two of my favorite comics characters.

5) Unbound, which is basically the Superman vs Brainiac feature I've always craved.

6) All Star, which is pretty good but feels kinda watered down compared to the comic.

7) Apocalypse, which is ok but not as strong as the first movie IMO.

8) Doomsday, which is pretty darn fun but suffers from having a far superior version of the same story come out 10 years later that made it irrelevant.

9) Brainiac Attacks, which I think is plain bad.

What does everyone else thing? Honestly, I enjoy the first 3 of these more than any live action Superman film aside from the original. Also, let me know if there's an obvious one I left out.