Mariko Tamaki continues to weave a truly atmospheric mystery with her second issue in what I'm hoping is a very long run. In the second installment we get more great character interactions between Bruce and his neighbor Ms.Donovan, a larger peak at the pressure newly elected Mayor Nankano is under, Batman's unraveling relationship with the police escalates further, and we're teased with a deeper conspiracy behind what otherwise would have come off as a straight forward homicide. The questions Bruce asks about the police reaction time in finding Sarah nearly as quickly as he did and why the Mayor decided to fill that section of sewer with concrete before either the police or Batman could fully investigate the area give you a great sense of growing paranoia with each page and with the added mystery of regular people suddenly acting hyper-violently it begins to turn into a deep conspiracy and the list of who could be behind it all is incredibly tantalizing. I absolutely love that Tamaki has taken Bruce's world and made it smaller again, Gotham City isn't about to be destroyed by some big event here, it's just a single case but it feels all the more dangerous because the scale makes it feel much more real.