From Tigereyes on the Masterworks Boards:

Welcome back!

It's time for the yearly tradition of voting for your Top 10 Most Wanted Marvel Omnibus.

13 Books were either released or solicited, which means at minimum we will have 13 new books on the chart.

How it works...Just rank your ten choices from number 1--(your most wanted) through number 10 and then send them to me in an email.

Your votes are weighted.

Your 1st place vote is worth 10 points, 2nd place gets 9 points.... and your 10th place vote is worth 1 point.

By creating a separate email account it allows for more inclusion, for those who lurk, and for those who can reach out to others whom have comic based podcasts or websites, comic shops, or even other friends who want to partake. I am striving to maintain a minimum of 200+ voters but honestly would love to catapult the number of participants to the next level. The more votes we get, the better our sample.

Please send your votes to

Please bump the thread once you have voted, so the link stays on the front page. This years Top 20 will be revealed by Omar over at Near Mint Condition. I will reveal 21-60 over on this website

No reprints!

Please be as specific as possible in your choices... If you want a Hulk Omnibus...Do you want Waid, Ewing, Byrne, Pak??

Most importantly, this is a SECRET ballot, do not post your complete list on the thread as it does take the fun out of it a bit. If you would like to nominate something that did not make the TOP 50 last year so it jogs people's memories, I will allow for that.

Happy Casting!!!

Last Day to Vote will be Midnight Eastern time on May 11th 2021