Going to quote myself from the Jason Todd thread

Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Tzitzimine View Post
For a story that was supposedly meant to be Jason's big moment in the spotlight, it is impressive how hard it goes out of its way to show Jason's worse facets of his character and barely any of his strong points. He's reckless, emotional, impulsive, easy to anger, and continues to commit rookie mistakes. On the other hand, Bruce is depicted as a pretty decent guy, a well-meaning father that is trying his hardest to connect with his idiot son even though he should've kicked his ass and lock him in his room for being so dumb. Bringing Leslie just now when it could've been done since the first issue also shows how decompressed this story is, a bunch of actions are just there to extend the narrative without actually pushing it forward. I also hate the fact they dropped Rocafort's Robin costume to go back to the pixie boots, I hate that look for Jason and I hate that he's a little kid again instead of a teenager. Making him older when he was with Bruce was one of the many things the N52 did right with Jason. At this point, I will be VERY surprised if this story ends up being anything but yet another "Jason screws up for being a hothead and Bruce has to clean up his mess"

Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised if we're back again to pushing Jason crushing on Barbara.

Urban Legends is a massive disappointment.

As I said before, I skipped the rest of the stories in this book so I have no opinion on them.