The thread title speaks for itself and is kind of a sequel thread to my "Why didn't Marvel push Monica Rambeau" as Captain Marvel thread.

When it comes to character transitions and multiple characters with the same name, it's amazing how the MCU has handled some of these situations more elegantly (compared with the comics). Marvel comics have totally mishandled Monica Rambeau since the 1980s. The comics completely banished Monica Rambeau, changed her code name so many times and eventually dumped her in limbo (where is she right now??).

Considering just how few prominent women of color Marvel comics have, this was awful. The MCU already had a Captain Marvel in Carol Danvers but instead of sacrificing everyone at the alter of her, they've decided to feature Monica and Kamala Khan and renamed the movie. To be clear, I fully expect the movie to focus on Carol but the fact that Marvel changed the name of Captain Marvel 2 to The Marvels shows a certain regard for Monica that the comics never had. Monica WAS Captain Marvel before Carol Danvers, was a member of the Avengers and actually led the team! All until Mark Gruenwald decided that Captain America MUST be the bestest and greatest Avenger ever and MUST lead the team.

Please, no one should misintepret this as another "Carol Danvers/Brie Larson" sucks thread (some people on social media are sooooooooooooooooooo obsessed with Brie Larson that I really worry about their mental states) but this is more of an indictment of just how terribly Marvel treated Monica Rambeau.