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  1. #1

    Default Battlestar Pegasus vs USS Excelsior

    A scenario. Battlestar Galactica season 2 episode 10, "Pegasus": Admiral Helena Cain in command of the Battlestar Pegasus is tracking what she believes to be a Cylon fleet. Instead of running into the Battlestar Galactica and the Colonial Fleet, The Pegasus discovers the Federation starship USS Excelsior NCC 2000 under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu, from the beginning of Star Trek VI. Admiral Cain decides this is a new kind of Cylon ship, and attacks. Pegasus won't accept any hails from Excelsior, due to fear of being infected with a Cylon computer virus. What happens?

  2. #2
    The Weeping Mod Sharpandpointies's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Ottawa, Canada


    The Excelsior blows all crap out of the Pegasus.

    I enjoyed Galactica much more than I do Star Trek, but the biggest stuff on the Pegasus are nukes, which have travel time, can be shot down by phasers, and if I recall won't really dent the Excelsior's shields. Whereas the Excelsior's phasers should do a number on the Galactica, not to mention their torpedoes. Not to mention the fact that - barring short-range jumps by the Pegasus - the Excelsior is far faster and more maneuverable.

    Basically, I can see Sulu ordering the Pegasus disabled. Shouldn't be a problem, the engines are rather obvious.
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  3. #3
    Astonishing Member
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    The BSG ships were tough. They could take a nuclear explosion in contact with their hull but I don't think that would last against Star Trek weapons. The Vipers would be fun but they don't carry much ordnance besides rather conventional guns and I doubt they could get through the shields. Don't know if the Star Trek phasers could shoot them down though. ST had trouble with fighters in the past but these aren't as powerful as they ones they faced in DS9.

    Also, ST ships have a much longer weapons reach than BSG ships.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    IIRC in TNG: A Matter of Time, phasers were used as drills to tunnel into a planet's mantle. From orbit. And they did that in seconds. Note that this was a precision use of the weapons as a geological tool, which required very delicate power output control.

    Even an early "phase cannon" took out a small mountain in Enterprise.

    That does not bode well for the Pegasus, which might very well find itself bisected if Cain doesn't keep changing her vessel's orientation to the Excelsior all the time.

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