Key things that happened:

- Batman releases the guy that he captured so that he'd lead them to the villains. It leads to Paris, but the bugged guy gets killed and they move to another location.
- Batman meets Ducard on his way to Paris. He is working on his case separately and offers a team up. I don't know much about Ducard, but he claims that Batman is one of the two best students he had. Who is the other one?
- Ducard is waiting for Batman in his hotel, but villains get to him first.
- Fight breaks out and moments before Batman arrives Ducard is shot. I think implication is that he is not dead and villains intend to run away, while Batman is saving Ducard's life.
- In the background another plot is being developed concerning Baryl and Amina with Batman asking many questions related to Amina. I suspect that she might be Baryl's daughter? And father maybe is Dark Ranger from Batman Inc.? Since from what I remember they kinda got together in Morrison's second volume.