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From Ed Boon


Producer Rick Morales took part in an interview about the Injustice movie. Here are some key takeaways:

1. He said that this movie is based more on the comics. Unlike with the Mortal Kombat Legends movies he worked on, Netherrealm Studios had a bit less involvement with the movie.

2. He said it was a challenge to adapt everything from the games and comics into 1 movie, so Ernie Altbacker took it upon himself to compress everything into a coherent script.

3. He thinks of Superman as his favorite comic book character. Matt Peters also has a lot of respect for the character as well. From his perspective, they didn't want this movie to just be known as the "evil Superman" movie. He wanted Superman to think he was genuinely doing the right thing up until the end.

4. There's the possibility of returning to this world in some way.

5. There were moments from the comics and games that he wanted to include, but couldn't.


Make of these what you shall but at the very least I don't think there is any true malice towards Superman from those behind this franchise.
Wonder Woman on the other hand...