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  1. #1
    Writer and editor KJS's Avatar
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    Default Rumblers League Round 1: TheBookDragon v Darth Drizzle

    Here we go!

    Voting and debate rules:

    - To avoid mass unreadable debate, each participant is allowed 8 posts to make their argument in their matches.
    - Each match is open for discussion for 72 hours.
    - Once all match discussions are over, vote threads will be posted on Thursday with polls (we have special dispensation from the board to allow polls). These will last for two days.

  2. #2
    Writer and editor KJS's Avatar
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    Default This is thebookdragon's strategy

    TheBookDragon v Darth Drizzle

    Apocalypse VS King Kong
    In the team description Apocalypse will be attempting to tap into the power of the Mind Stone to gain all its knowledge. The only time I recall the Mind Stone sharing information with people was, with its mind controlled victims. Even the mind controlled victims only learned information about their field of study. If Apocalypse can overcome the limitations of the gem, remaining free of its control, and reveal its information, it won’t be instant. His mind battles with Charles Xavier showed that his mental abilities weren’t instant.

    While Apocalypse is trying to master, both gems King Kong will be riding across the battle field on a flaming AT-M6 enhanced with Ghost Rider powers. This will increase the slow AT-M6 speed to mach. (When Johnny Blaze rode up the side of the building all the glass shattered) given we start one mile away from Mt. Doom and 7 miles at the base, it will take about 45 seconds to reach the other side of the battle field. Though he could start firing hell fire shots from the AT-M6 as soon as he crested Mt. Doom. If Apocalypse isn’t busy trying to control the gems, then King Kong’s will have the AT-M6 firing to draw his attention until King Kong can snatch him and use the penance stare burning out Apocalypse soul. Given King Kong’s size difference Johnny Blaze the penance stare may have work at King Kong’s arms length.

    Scarlet Witch VS Indominus Rex
    Scarlet Witch is all about the magic, her mind control, and all her telekinetic abilities are all derived from magic. The Hollow absorbs any magic that is used on it. Indominus Rex will sprint to the cinder cone part of the volcano and run around the base maxing it time to efficiency. If Scarlet Witch stays in place it will take the Indominus Rex about 18 minutes to reach her. If she moves closer it will shorten the time. Anything that Scarlet Witch tries to do will be absorbed by the Hollow Symbiote, and the Indominus Rex will eat her as soon as it catches her.

    Sebastian Shaw VS Shelob + Xenomorph
    Shelob’s task is to telepathically control, or at least focus Sebastian on attacking the Xenomorph. With the suits abilities the Xenomorph will do minimal damage from any of its attacks, but the acid is highly crosive to metals. After Sebastian has killed the Xenomorph it will explode like the dogs in The Incredible Hulk. This will cover the suit/mother box with the acid. Letting the suit suffer major damage before the Xenomorph will come right back to life, and ready to fight again. After enough fights the suit will be to damaged to work. And then the alien will simply latch onto Sebastian bleeding to slowly kill him by the acid instead of a direct attack.

    If Shelob’s is able to gain telepathically control of Sebastian, Shelob’s will simply make him take of the armor before wrapping him up in web to eat later. Incapacitating him for the match.

    Legion VS Skullcrawler
    The Skullcrawler is a burrower, his attack will be underground, tunneling around under the side of the volcano. He will spring out of the ground underneath Legion. Failing the surprise attack the Skullcrawler will continue to try to eat Legion. If it manages to eat Legion then it will jump into the lava to keep Legion suppressed if he manages to kill the Skullcrawler from the inside.

    Mirage VS Blue + Smaug
    Smaug will hunt by listening, and bathing large swaths of the battlefield in fire. If he sees movement or hears sound that aren’t were any other fighters are he will attack. Blue will hunting by sight and smell. Together they will flush Mirage out. They will also approach if they detect nightmares forming in an area, to scan the area for Mirage. They will not be focusing on killing or even fighting the nightmares if they can avoid it, they will be focused on finding Mirage. When they find her they will rip her Smaug will try to burn and mentally blast her, if she uses Absorption of Gravitonium to stay safe blue will move in behind her and attack. Both will continue until she runs out of energy or focus, and looses control of the gravity powers.

    Quicksilver VS Shelob + Godzilla
    Shelob will mental project for the orc armies to attack Quicksilver, they won’t be effective. But the huge orc army will take time to by pass distracting him while the others fight. Shelob will also be spreading webbing over the ground to cause a snare for Quicksilver. If Quicksilver attempts to attack Shelob then he will trip and be vulnerable to Godzilla’s beam attack.

    The issue is if Quicksilver absorbs the esoteric energies he will have to be carful not to explode. If he absorbs objects like rocks, or fusses with the mountain then he will slow down and be easier to deal with. One of the weaknesses to the Gamma Mutation is that it seemed hard to stop absorbing the power once it started. Hopefully Quicksilver will target Godzilla and try to absorb the radiation, if so Quicksilver will probably overdose.

    Even if the team can’t trap Quicksilver then the damage that he can do is limited, most of my team could heal faster then quicksilver could damage them. The only team member without rapid healing, immortality is Shelob who will have the traps set.

    Godzilla will be firing beam attacks to keep the enemies from spreading out or escaping their fights .

    Second Strike
    Godzilla will be firing beam attacks at the enemies.
    King Kong will attack in the order of Apocalypse, Legion, Sebastian Shaw, Scarlet Witch, Mirage, Quicksilver
    Indominus Rex will attack in the order of Scarlet Witch, Mirage, Sebastian Shaw, Apocalypse, Legion, Quicksilver
    The others will attack anyone that isn’t engaging in fighting, or any enemy that has won it’s fight.

  3. #3
    Writer and editor KJS's Avatar
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    Default This is darth drizzle's strategy

    The Mutants of Ragnarok vs Prehistorica Monsters Mash

    Match Start
    At the start of the fight Legion stops time around his team as Wanda/Apocalypse make impregnable sheilds around them using Power Stone/Hex energy to stop anyone with Time powers who tries to interrupt them. As Apocalypse can upgrade powers simply by looking at the person he unlockis his teams full potential and maxes out their powers/abilities while giving full control over them.

    Since Wanda instantly created 2 life forms inside herself she easily gives herself an X-Gene making her a Mutant and able to receive her Horseman power boost. Legion empowers Quicksilver with Space Stone energy and Telepathically gives him knowledge on how to use it's abilities to the fullest and turning him into a living Space Stone. With everything done Legion drops the Time Stop and the real fight begins.

    Fight' N Time!

    Apocalypse: He targets Godzilla and teleports to him by finding his position via his own powers and the Mind Stone. Then he uses the Power Stone to blast Big G with a intense wave of pure destructive energy his body can't handle and bursts into nothingness. As the Stone has destroyed a moon and Planets even the mighty Godzilla will fall to Apocalypse wielding it's powers. He then uses his Mind Stone enhanced TK to molecularly disassemble any enemies left until all are gone, starting with Shelob.
    Taken Out: Godzilla

    Scarlet Witch: She targets Shelob while flying high above him and uses her conjuration powers to make the Metebelis Crystal appear in her hands, then lift and crush the giant Spider piece by piece then atomize it to dust with a burst of energy. Next she locates Blue and throws 2 demonic fireballs combined with her magic bolts(that knock back Thanos) in a random direction, then she teleports Blue right in front of the bolts and the Raptor is disintegrated by the heat and force of the attack. Any enemy left gets the same treatment as she flies around while sheilded observing the battleground.
    Taken Out: Shelob, Blue

    Legion: He targets Shelob, Skullcrawler, Smaug, and Indomnius and using the Space Stone and his own powers he thinks of Smaug and teleports himself, Mirage, and Wanda high above and behind him. He goes intangible and as he's done before to monsters he takes their minds to the Red Room in the Astral Plane. Here he outmatches and overpowers Shelob and Smaugs telepathy and traps them all in containers which locks down their conciousness leaving them unable to fight/move while bypassing their immortality and super regeneration. He then turns his attention to any enemy left and uses his twice boosted TK to Atomize his enemies to nothingness. He also counters any Time effects Shelob might do.
    Taken Out: Skullcrawler, Smaug, Indomnius, and the Xenomorph

    Quicksilver: With the energy of the Space Stone empowering him he targets Kong and zips across the 2 mile distance and targets the AT-M6. He turns the vehicle intangible and shoves it a mile underground before re-solidifying it and merging it into the planet and taking it out. He then turns his attention to Kong who should be fighting Shaw and he uses his Space Stone enhanced body to strike and energy blasts the giant until he is knocked out. He then looks for any other enemy and does the same to them until none are left.
    Taken Out: Kong

    Sebastian Shaw: Shaw also targets Kong flies towards him covering the 2 mile distance quickly and absorbing absurd amounts of energy on the way. When reached he hits Kong with a enhanced Superman ko'ing punch that explodes with the multiplying force of Motherbox energies comparable to a tactical nuke. As Kong is still reeling from the blow he keeps up the assault as he speeds around punching Kong with explosive force until the giant goes down. Any hits Kong does land is absorbed and given back multiple times over and quickens his defeat.
    Taken Out: Kong

    Mirage: After Legions teleport the Invisible Mirage sheilds herself and targets Blue, Shelob, and Kong and brings their deepest fears to life and they attack the trio immediately throwing the monster squad off balance. She aides the Fear monsters by using her Gravity powers to grab/throw and immobilize Blue, Shelob, and Kong into the Fears attacks and setting them up so their Fears can deliver the final blow. Since she doesn't have to focus on the Fear monsters or give them orders she is her teams defense against NPCs and makes sure none get in the way of her team during the fight.
    Taken Out: Blue, Shelob, Kong

  4. #4
    A Zest 4 KungFu Treachery Darth Drizzle's Avatar
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    Links for underlined sections in my strat.

    Can upgrade powers by looking at the person
    Molecularly disassembles a group of people(2:13)
    **Apocalypse is fine with the Stones and just like everyone in the Tournament he gets time to adjust to his items before the Tournament starts. The Stones are in his Armor not his hands and he is smarter and more capable/powerful than Ronan so he can use the Power Stone fine and the Mind Stone was used by more people than any other Stone in the MCU and it syncs with Apocalypse's own powers so again no issues there.

    **So here he targets Godzilla who by the stratagy is just randomly looking forward and blasting anything with Atomic Breath and teleports behind Big G unseen and takes him out as written.

    Scarlet Witch:
    Lifting and throwing giant War Weapon
    Crushing Thanos and his Armor
    **She doesn't attack Indominus for obvious reasons and is teleported by Legion at the start behind and above Shelob and the rest and takes out Shelob/Blue as planned as none of their actions as written stops her from doing so.

    Takes a Monsters mind into the Red Room in the Astral Plane.
    Atomizing people in multiple ways.
    **Without the Space Stone or Upgraded powers/abilities he has teleported multiple people and a car from the East Coast to the West Coast to exactly where he wanted them to be without ever being in that location before, so nothing stops him from doing so here and setting up him and his teammates to take out their targets with ease as they are not expecting that as their moves as written suggests. So he takes out all the Immortal enemies and goes from there.

    Turns Hulkbuster Armor Intangible then solidifies it(5:40)
    ** A quick note on the Absorbing Man, in the Hulk fight he was draining the Hulk just fine and towards the end of it is smiling as he was doing it. What took him down was as he was absorbing all the Gamma energy from Hulk he was hit mid change by a Bomb specifically made to disrupt Gamma and kill the Hulk. So he didn't overload from Hulk energy, he was killed by a weapon made to kill Gamma creatures during a specific period of time when he was vulnerable.

    Quicksilver doesn't have to worry about that as Legion doesn't overload him and the Space Stone has no weakness to exploit via plot like Gamma Radiation did. So here he takes out Kong's AT Mount, than proceeds to zip around and blasting/punching characters with Stone energy and Horsemen boosted speed/strength.

    Sebastian Shaw:
    Multiplying the power/force of the energy he absorbed(1:44)
    Fights Superman across the World
    **He wouldn't be bothered by the Xenomorph or his acid as he takes Superman Heat Vision to the weakest part of his Suit at point blank range and it does nothing. But he is targeting Kong anyway and after absorbing vast amounts of Motherbox energy plus the upgrades to his suit at base he would have no problem doing massive damage to Kong with each hit and being fast enough to fly around his punches or absorb the Hellfire attacks and redirecting it back at Kong with multiplied force.

    Brings out fears while far away that act independently
    **Mirage is in the Air Invisible and behind a powerful sheild of Gravity so no monster/animal here is able to track or smell her. So here she does her moves without any trouble from her enemies as they have no clue where she is at, and she unleashes her opponents fears on them and they continuously attack the monsters whether they want to fight or not so ignoring them is useless. Plus her using Gravity powers to help the Fears fight quickens their demise as they can't stop being crushed and tossed around by an invisible force used by an invisible person.
    Last edited by Darth Drizzle; 05-24-2021 at 02:16 PM.
    And with that the rest of the Domino's will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  5. #5
    The Eternal Librarian TheBookDragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJS View Post
    Since Wanda instantly created 2 life forms inside herself she easily gives herself an X-Gene making her a Mutant and able to receive her Horseman power boost.
    I think that using magic to get yourself pregnant, is different then remaking your DNA to a type of variation that she hasn’t seen or experienced before. Have we seen her show an understanding of her abilities, to modify, without harming, someone’s DNA before? I would also say that DNA modification is different then mind control, or mater control. (I haven’t watched Wanda Vision, so I have only seen clips of the show.)

    Quote Originally Posted by KJS View Post
    Legion empowers Quicksilver with Space Stone energy and Telepathically gives him knowledge on how to use it's abilities to the fullest and turning him into a living Space Stone.
    How does Telepathically or Space Stone energy give him knowledge on how to use it's abilities? I understand that Legion should have some leeway because he bought it, but Quicksilver is simply gaining the power. David Banner didn’t seem to gain any deeper insights to the materials that he fused with, and the stones didn’t reveal all their powers to their users.

    The plan to defeat Kong is Sebastian Shaw will attack him with superman speed, absorbing power from the Motherbox energies, and Kong energies?
    Sebastian Shaw showed absorbing lots of energy, of several different types. We didn’t see any kind of energy that would be a soul attack, like the Ghost Rider flames. As Sebastian Shaw tries to attack Kong he will be burning himself on hell fire.

    The problem with Quicksilver’s turns the AT-M6 intangible and shoves it a mile underground, is that we only see the stone merge it into the rock, not even out of sight. That is with the real stone, not just someone using its power second hand. If the AT-M6 is only buried to the top of its roof then it should be able to get out. Ghost Rider vehicles come when the called.

    After the barrier and upgrading everyone’s powers Kong will be ready to jump Apocalypse while he is focused on Godzilla.

    Quote Originally Posted by KJS View Post
    He goes intangible and as he's done before to monsters he takes their minds to the Red Room in the Astral Plane.
    Given Shelob, and Skullcrawler, should be over human level intelligent. Shelob with the evolution that the Metebelis Crystal provided, and NZT-48 Pills + Injection. Allowing it to function much faster and mentally stronger then normal. Skullcrawler has the Leviathan possetion, and they clamed to be much smarter then humans. Though I don’t know of any mental battles, they would be more intelligent then the monster shown in your clip. Smaug showed at least human level intelligence. The Indomnius was said to have human level intelligence, though this is harder to determine without human language, or clear insight into its thought process.

    When trapped together they should work together and become greater then any individually.

    Did the Red Room work sole on mental power, or was it also a mental self-image involved? My question is if they believe they are amazing will they be more amazing in the Red Room? (Again, I haven’t watched Legion)

    Scarlet Witch is meant to be targeting Shelob, then Blue. The Indominus Rex is goignto be trying to intercept any magic from Scarlet Witch, meaning when she tries to attack Blue or anyone smaller then the Indominus Rex it will get in the way absorbing the magic and then using it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Drizzle View Post
    **Mirage is in the Air Invisible and behind a powerful sheild of Gravity so no monster/animal here is able to track or smell her.
    How does a gravity shield stop smell or sound?

    While Mirage is focused on Blue, Shelob, and Kong, Smaug will be tracking her down and attacking with fire, this should disrupt the effects that require concentration. Allowing the team to continue to work unimpeded.

    Quicksilver’s Space Stone Energy will be dangerous but non lethal to the team members that have immortality and super regeneration. Though I don’t think that they would be able to defeat him. Smaug would have the best chance of using Parallax Energy to try and bind him and get him off the ground without any leverage.

  6. #6
    A Zest 4 KungFu Treachery Darth Drizzle's Avatar
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    Giving yourself a single Gene is far easier than creating 2 separate life forms both with their own special genes(meaning they were both Mutants) and she did that instantly. Since she was born with powers in the Marvel universe that makes her a mutant anyway as Marvel doesn't have Meta-Humans like DC does and in her series she was shown as a child using her powers. It's literally a Copyright issue keeping her from becoming a official mutant.

    I forgot I edited out out some things in the beginning moves that explain Legion giving Stone knowledge,. Either way Legion gives him all the knowledge he knows or has gained about the Stone and his own powers which include going intangible (which he has done) and energy manipulation for offensive and defensive purposes. Also when David Banner became Electricty he immediately knew how to fly, and how to carry the Hulk miles away in the air while fighting and when he turned to water he immediately knew how to switch between solid and liquid states so some innate knowledge is carried over when copying powers.

    Kong won't be able to even use his Hellfire as Shaw zooming in and nailing him with a Supercharged punch from Armor that started at Superman level before being highly upgraded by the Motherbox fusion. Then Shaws own Horsemen Upgraded powers absorbing Motherbox energy(which is limitless as a perpetual energy machine) and multiplying all that power into the punch would put Kong on his ass on contact if not KO'ing him outright. From their he continues hitting him with enhanced punches above Superman's paygrade until Kong is down.

    Also Legion Stops Time at the beginning so all of Apocalypse moves are done before Kong takes a single step.

    Skullcrawler and Shelob being smarter than normal doesn't change anything as Legion has taken normal people, powerful telepaths, and powerful fear eating monsters into the Astral plane at will. Believing in yourself or thinking you are more powerful in the Astral Plane doesn't effect your actual level as shown by the Fear creature in the clip as it thought of Legion as nothing but a bug, then the tables were turned instantly by Legion and the Creature itself was nothing but a tiny bug. Even without the Horsemen Upgrade he would easily beat them all and out powers them by Leagues so the Immortal Monsters go down as written by the even more powerful now Legion.

    The Indominus doesn't get a chance to attack Scarlet Witch as his Mind is taken into the Astral Plane and his body becomes inert, then shuts down after his mind is locked down.

    Mirage is in a Invisible Body Forming Suit covered head to toe by light refracting tech and Kevlar like material. Plus she is in the Air behind all her targets. With all the smells from Orcs and Volcano spewing sulfer and toxins on top of being invisible and in the air I don't see them finding her before being attacked by her teammates, their Fears, and her herself. Plus Smaug isn't getting past her Sheilds and she can easily throw him around or crush him with her powers.
    Last edited by Darth Drizzle; 05-25-2021 at 11:23 AM.
    And with that the rest of the Domino's will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  7. #7
    The Eternal Librarian TheBookDragon's Avatar
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    Yes, Wanda is a mutant because she was born with powers, but that doesn’t make her an X-Gene. The X-Gene isn’t something that she has seen before, kids are something that her body was already designed to have.
    I’m just saying that a random genetics experiment on yourself seems as likely to cause you to have a major problem (Like everyone of the Spiderman villains) as to give you a link to a different type of mutants. Does she have the magic to do it, I’m not sure, But does she have the knowledge to do it I really don’t think so.

    I will give you that those are good examples of David Banner understanding the elements, so Quicksilver may be able to use the powers without to much trouble but I still argue that the intangible was only merging it in the rock and not very deeply. The AT-M6 would still be combat ready and quick to return to the battle. Meaning that Quicksilver is stuck repeatedly burying it, and it comes right back or after the first failure he wanders off and it wasn’t effective.

    As for Ghost Rider, he is covered in hell fire he even shows attacking people around him with his flaming transformation. If Sebastian Shaw is attack to fast for Kong to track That doesn’t change the fact that his body is covered in hell fire, which we never saw Sebastian absorb any soul attack. Ghost rider flaming transformation stopping a room full of people attacking him. (21s)

    Shelob shouldn’t be counted out so easily, with the NZT-48 it is think faster and better. This means that it is creating an analysis, process, calculate, and Multitask far faster then Legion is expecting. Shelob’s mind will be adapting to the Red Room quickly figuring out how to modify and change it body and the environment. The other point was Legion is trying to imprison without destroying there minds, to bypasses there immortality. Meaning even if Shelob lost a mental battle it would come back, escape and figure out to free the others.

    Indominus Rex even if his mind was bound in the Astral Plane the Nanogenes can still control the Indominus Rex. Meaning it can still function to block Wanda magic.
    What life to a Nanogenes (27s)
    Nanogenes controlling mindless people (2m 1s)

    Did Mirage’s shields stop things like flames? And if so fire surround the shield should mess with her concentration.
    Last edited by TheBookDragon; 05-25-2021 at 01:52 PM.

  8. #8
    A Zest 4 KungFu Treachery Darth Drizzle's Avatar
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    You missed a lot of things about Wanda since you haven't seen Wandavision. But suffice to say that she is not The Lizard from Spider Man using science to change her body. She is a Top Tier Reality Warper who changed thousands of things in a whole City, and a Top Tier Sorceress using Magic. Niether Reality Warping or Magic fall under the "mad scientist" category, and she can easily give herself the X Gene as again she created 2 forms of life from nothing and both were Mutants with powers. She thinks it and it happens. No science knowledge needed.

    The Flames on Ghost Rider do not attack your Soul and never showed to do so. His Flame attack from his Mouth and his Pennance Stare might do that, but not the Flame on his head or hands. And as shown the Armor on Shaw before the huge Motherbox upgrade bounced Superman's Heat Vision with no damage at all and Shaw has absorbed Fire multiple times before his Horseman upgrade. Kong is going to knocked out by Shaw.

    Shelob being smart won't help it from being bottled up like the rest of the Immortals, and their is no "escape and come back later" option to use, especially as Legion has had a lot of practice in the Astral Plane fighting the Shadow King and compared to him Shelob and company are nothing. Even that Fear monster had easily bottled up had taken over an entire building dedicated to psychic phenomenon with Dozens if people in it and had a powerful psychic running it and they all were under the Fear monsters control clicking their teeth while paralyzed. So base David would easily handle Shelob and here Horseman David would do it casually and Atomize Indominus Rex as he can and has used his powers in the real world while battling on the Astral Plane.

    Mirage's Gravity powers has stopped the Vacuum of Space and Re-Entry into Earth's Atmosphere along with Quakes powers which he has shrugged off(before the final Battle) without moving. It also repelled bullets and a speedster trying run past it.

    The Space Stone could easily have buried the Hulkbuster Armor completely and nothing really points to anything otherwise. Can it make things Intangible? Yes. Does it give Spatial Awareness to where you can cross the Galaxy with precision? Yes. I don't see where "you can only go so deep with that power" comes into play. It has shown it's range and capabilities that prove it can do what Quicksilver is tasked to do. Also even if partially buried, it will be broken as it is merged into the ground and not simply buried under some dirt. It is now a part of Mordor.
    Last edited by Darth Drizzle; 05-26-2021 at 09:34 AM.
    And with that the rest of the Domino's will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  9. #9
    The Eternal Librarian TheBookDragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Drizzle View Post
    You missed a lot of things about Wanda since you haven't seen Wandavision. But suffice to say that she is not The Lizard from Spider Man using science to change her body. She is a Top Tier Reality Warper who changed thousands of things in a whole City, and a Top Tier Sorceress using Magic. Niether Reality Warping or Magic fall under the "mad scientist" category, and she can easily give herself the X Gene as again she created 2 forms of life from nothing and both were Mutants with powers. She thinks it and it happens. No science knowledge needed.
    My point is that she won’t know anything about the X-gene. I would say it is hard to wish for something you don’t know exist. Also, if she is that powerful are we sure Apocalypse’s power would increase her power, we only saw him increase people with less power then him?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Drizzle View Post
The Flames on Ghost Rider do not attack your Soul and never showed to do so. His Flame attack from his Mouth and his Pennance Stare might do that, but not the Flame on his head or hands.
    Why would you think that the fire on his body, and the fire that he attacks with are different? Normal fire would have damaged his cloths, his bike, and other material. But instead when he touched objects they were imbued with his power. His bike, chain whip, and shotgun were all morphed instead of destroyed or fire damaged. If his Mouth and his Penance Stare attack the soul then it would be logical to assume that his body flames would also attack the soul.
    Shaw was said to be absorbing Kongs power to enhance his own attacks back on Kong, which means that he will be trying to absorb something that is lethal before he knows that it is deadly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Drizzle View Post
Shelob being smart won't help it from being bottled up like the rest of the Immortals, and their is no "escape and come back later" option to use, especially as Legion has had a lot of practice in the Astral Plane fighting the Shadow King and compared to him Shelob and company are nothing. Even that Fear monster had easily bottled up had taken over an entire building dedicated to psychic phenomenon with Dozens if people in it and had a powerful psychic running it and they all were under the Fear monsters control clicking their teeth while paralyzed. So base David would easily handle Shelob and here Horseman David would do it casually and Atomize Indominus Rex as he can and has used his powers in the real world while battling on the Astral Plane.

    Was the Fear monsters psychic, or was it just generating an area of fear? It didn’t look like tried to manipulate the Astral Plane or itself at all. I don’t know how the Shadow King fought but I assume it was more complicated then a simple charge. I’m also going for Shelob wouldn’t be simply charging into the fight. It would be attempting to altering the world, itself, and testing its mental abilities like going invisible.

    From the clip of Legion atomize people there was still dust left behind, The nanogenes were too small to be seen so would be able to reassemble the Indominus Rex, over time it would come back again and again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Drizzle View Post
Mirage's Gravity powers has stopped the Vacuum of Space and Re-Entry into Earth's Atmosphere along with Quakes powers which he has shrugged off(before the final Battle) without moving. It also repelled bullets and a speedster trying run past it.
    Smog isn’t dumb if the fire fails to work to penetrate the barrier then he would shift to attacking with his Yellow energy. The attack that simply grabbed people without showing having to travel through the intervening space. So he could grab Mirage bypassing her gravity shield, once he attacks her hopefully her armor will mess up and become visible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Drizzle View Post
The Space Stone could easily have buried the Hulkbuster Armor completely and nothing really points to anything otherwise. Can it make things Intangible? Yes. Does it give Spatial Awareness to where you can cross the Galaxy with precision? Yes. I don't see where "you can only go so deep with that power" comes into play. It has shown it's range and capabilities that prove it can do what Quicksilver is tasked to do. Also even if partially buried, it will be broken as it is merged into the ground and not simply buried under some dirt. It is now a part of Mordor.
    Yes the stone has the power to make things Intangible, and give Spatial Awareness. But does Quicksilver instantly gain Spatial Awareness, enough to control all of his power? I think that it wouldn’t be as easy as using the stone. I don’t thing a person would be able to handle all the spatial information that the Stone uses. Because it could travel across the Galaxy with precision that is to much raw information for anyone to handle.

  10. #10
    Mighty Member Stigmazilla's Avatar
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    Apocalypse(9): w/ Power Stone(8), Mind Stone(8)
    Scarlet Witch(10):w/ The Source of all Evil(9)
    Legion(10): w/ Space Stone(9), Mark of Cain w/First Blade(8)
    Quicksilver(8): w/ Gamma Mutation/David Banner(7)
    Sebastian Shaw(6): w/ Mother Box(8), Luthor's Armor(8)
    Mirage(8): w/ Absorption of Gravitonium(7), Invisible Suit(2)


    Godzilla (MonsterVerse) 10
    Kong (MonsterVerse) 10 + ALZ-112 Exposure (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) 1 + AT-M6 (Star Wars) 4 + Ghost Rider Contract (Ghost Rider) 7
    Skullcrawler (MonsterVerse) 7 + Leviathan Possession (Supernatural) 7
    Smaug (Lord of the Rings Movies) 6 + Cursed Aztec Gold Coin (Pirates of the Caribbean) 4 + Exposure to Parallax Energy (Green Lantern Live Action Movie) 4
    Indominus Rex (Jurrasic World) 5 + Hollow Symbiote (Charmed) 9 + Nanogenes (Whoniverse) 7 + Jumanji (Jumanji) 3 + Sorting Hat (Harry Potter) 1
    Xenomorph (Alien Movies) 3 + Gamma Mutation (Dog) (Hulk) 6 + Immortality (Misfits) 4
    Blue (Jurrasic World) 2 + Vampirism Infection (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) 4 + Radioactive Spider Bite (The Amazing Spider-Man Movies) 5
    Shelob (Lord of the Rings) 1 + Metebelis Crystal (Whoniverse) 5 + Monsterpocalypse Chemical Mutation (Love and Monsters) 3 + NZT-48 Pills + Injection (Limitless) 7

  11. #11
    A Zest 4 KungFu Treachery Darth Drizzle's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by TheBookDragon View Post
    My point is that she won’t know anything about the X-gene. I would say it is hard to wish for something you don’t know exist. Also, if she is that powerful are we sure Apocalypse’s power would increase her power, we only saw him increase people with less power then him?

    Why would you think that the fire on his body, and the fire that he attacks with are different? Normal fire would have damaged his cloths, his bike, and other material. But instead when he touched objects they were imbued with his power. His bike, chain whip, and shotgun were all morphed instead of destroyed or fire damaged. If his Mouth and his Penance Stare attack the soul then it would be logical to assume that his body flames would also attack the soul.
    Shaw was said to be absorbing Kongs power to enhance his own attacks back on Kong, which means that he will be trying to absorb something that is lethal before he knows that it is deadly.

    Was the Fear monsters psychic, or was it just generating an area of fear? It didn’t look like tried to manipulate the Astral Plane or itself at all. I don’t know how the Shadow King fought but I assume it was more complicated then a simple charge. I’m also going for Shelob wouldn’t be simply charging into the fight. It would be attempting to altering the world, itself, and testing its mental abilities like going invisible.

    From the clip of Legion atomize people there was still dust left behind, The nanogenes were too small to be seen so would be able to reassemble the Indominus Rex, over time it would come back again and again.

    Smog isn’t dumb if the fire fails to work to penetrate the barrier then he would shift to attacking with his Yellow energy. The attack that simply grabbed people without showing having to travel through the intervening space. So he could grab Mirage bypassing her gravity shield, once he attacks her hopefully her armor will mess up and become visible.

    Yes the stone has the power to make things Intangible, and give Spatial Awareness. But does Quicksilver instantly gain Spatial Awareness, enough to control all of his power? I think that it wouldn’t be as easy as using the stone. I don’t thing a person would be able to handle all the spatial information that the Stone uses. Because it could travel across the Galaxy with precision that is to much raw information for anyone to handle.
    She doesn't need to have in depth knowledge about the X Gene just like she didn't need in depth knowledge on the Thousands of things she changed on a molecular level inside of the Town she took over and anything that entered it in real time. Apocalypse tells her about Mutants and how he upgrades them(like my strat says) and she thinks to herself "I am a mutant" and she is one. No giant power surge or transformation needed, it just happens exactly like her pregnancy happened.

    Ghost Rider interacted bwith normal people without burning them or attacking their souls all throughout the movie. Even in the clip you posted when he grabbed the guy with flaming hands and said "Nice Jacket" that guy didn't burst into flames when he grabbed him nor did he have his soul attacked. Also at no point in my stratagy does it say Shaw is absorbing Flames from Kong. He has limitless energy to draw on already built into his Armor and can absorb the force of Kong's punches, but Kong won't ever hit him with his Motherbox enhanced Armor.

    Again Shelob doesn't get to try out anything, or test this, or let's see what happens if I try doing this, as he is immediately shut down with the rest. Not all battles have Legion talking to his opponent like he is doing in the clip so in this fight he simply locks down and contains the Monsters minds before they even realize what is happening. Legion initiates the Battle catching them off guard as none on them even know what the Astral Plane is and doesn't wait for them to adjust or get used to anything and he just shuts them down. There really is no way around this, especially when you add the ridiculously huge power difference between this Legion and his opponents. Also Legions last Atomizing attack in the clip left nothing behind and he has done that more times it's just hard to find clips of it.

    Smaug isn't doing anything because he is getting his mind shut down by Legion and his physical body attacked by his worst fears and Mirage disabling his body.

    The AT even if Quicksilver doesn't attack it is taken out by Apocalypse, Scarlet Witch, and Legion who after taking out their targets are written to look for whoever is left and destroy them. And they all can do that easily.
    Last edited by Darth Drizzle; 05-26-2021 at 01:49 PM.
    And with that the rest of the Domino's will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  12. #12
    The Eternal Librarian TheBookDragon's Avatar
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    Apr 2021


    Feat of a normal punch doing damage flame damage to a Demon. (Which I feel shows that it is more then normal flames)

    I also feel that there isn’t much more to say, that isn’t repeating myself. So good match Darth Drizzle.

  13. #13
    A Zest 4 KungFu Treachery Darth Drizzle's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Thanks, great job for your first match as well.
    And with that the rest of the Domino's will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

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