Doing these makes me nervous but it's all good cause some interesting stuff happened, imo.

We start with the preview pages with Excalibur arriving to the Gala and Julio is grumpy over •-[A]-•'s absence.

He is indeed grabbed by Shatterstar who is excited to see Rictor but he's still in his gladiator outfit with blood all over him. Rictor is taken aback (rude even) and dismisses 'Star because of his appearance and the unexpected surprise.

The team congratulates Rogue on her inclusion on the X-Men and Gambit says he'll stay at the lighthouse with the cats because, "Rogue has plans - Gambit has plans too."

Wisdom appears asking Betsy to dance during which he explains that Coven Akkaba basically went on a press tour in and smeared her while she was "away", convincing the people that she's not English, only Krakoan, and she vanished leaving Britain undefended. He said trust in Captain Britain is now at an all-time low. Coven Akkaba arrives at the Gala - they requested attendance because Broussaeu is now Britain's ambassador to the UN.

Broussaeu proceeds to tell Charles and Emma that he is there to inform them of the dissolution of Great Britain's alliance with Krakoa. Emma is livid as Broussaeu tells them that effective immediately they reject Krakoa's deal. Krakoans are welcome as foreign nationals but their gates are not, and all medicine in Britain has been collected and will be returned. He also says the lighthouse is on his land and Krakoans cannot control it anymore. He and the Coven leave and Wisdom goes with them.

We have a quick break where Brian and Meggan are being lovey dovey and when Brian goes off to get her some snacks, an adorably drunk Kurt teleports over and congratulates Meggan on her "delicate condition". Pregnant? It's not confirmed but she doesn't deny it either.

Betsy is sulking on a balcony when Rachel comes over and asks her to dance. It's really sweet and I can't help but feel some kind of connection like when Betsy gave her the pup.

Coven Akkaba has returned to their lair and Wisdom is with them. They start talking as if they're about to start a ritual of some sort so Wisdom excuses himself but they grab him as he tries to leave. They hold him down on an altar and Marianna stakes/kills him. They use the "mutant blood" in a spell and free Morgan from Jamie's basement. A short panel shows that Jamie is away on a red planet building something (Omegas on Mars?).

Rictor leaves the Gala and goes to the Lighthouse. He calls for his druid crew for the first time, saying he needs their help. They are more than happy to answer his call and a magical staff floats up from within the earth and into his hands. They say the staff chose him, the Druid King.

They work together and separate the land the Lighthouse sits on from the mainland. The Lighthouse is now on its own island, Rictor's way of claiming it for Krakoa. Morgan, having just emerged from the basement, approaches a gate and walks through because the Coven bathed it in "their own cursed blood", Wisdom's. She should have appeared in the Lighthouse but it is now across the water. She waves her hand and does something magical to the Lighthouse. Strangely, Shatterstar appears on the Lighthouse shore where Rictor is sitting. They have a very tender moment and 'Star is not covered in blood.

The last page is a data page about the new Braddock Isle, which is now contested territory.

Me: I don't quite know what Morgan did to the Lighthouse but it was odd that Shatterstar appeared at that same moment. Something is afoot.