Quote Originally Posted by Ambaryerno View Post
Isn’t Chamber’s appearance BECAUSE of his mutation destroying his body? So even if he was rez’ed with an intact face his powers would just destroy it again, anyway.
It was, though it was the pressure from his psionic energy's being unable to escape that ripped his face chest and organs out. He's gained much more control with his powers since then, so has the potential to keep his face at least (if not his chest) if they helped him through a rez. Give him his face but a hole in his chest to avoid the pressure cooker that ripped him apart. They have healers and reality warpers to help. Tech experts who could create a chest brace like the one he wore in AOA to control the energy. Psychics who can help control his psionic self. It makes me wonder if they resurrected him without his jaw, chest and organs. Or he exploded again, which I hope it was the first as that is traumatic as hell.

Don't get me wrong I don't necessarily want him to change. I love him as he is, and always will no matter what he looks like. Even when he was an apocalyptic blueberry. I've related to him for decades as I suffer from facial eczema that can flare up badly. He helped me feel cool wearing scalves to hide it