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  1. #1
    Ultimate Member sifighter's Avatar
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    Default Crush and Lobo #2 Spoilers and Discussion

    Alright fair warning because I feel like I got to give it, much like the first issue Lobo doesn't really do much. He gets a few pages to talk while in Prison, and he's clearly a felt force that is referenced but it's pretty obvious after the first two issues in this mini that this is not a Lobo book, its a Crush book who DC right now are really trying to push as a character in the Infinite Frontier era. I'm just saying this because I know there are Lobo fans who may be disappointed, and to them I say hey at least there is going to be a black label book soon. But if you're interested in reading about a brand new legacy character who has been in the titans for a little while then you may enjoy this.

    So basically Crush is going through space, listening to music and podcasts but unfortunately suffering flashbacks to her recently failed relationship, how her and Katie first met and later how they fight a bit and what it basically boils down to is Crush is ignoring her problems on earth by heading to space but she's done it under a recognition that she's got issues and the only way of handling those issues is that she's got to speak with her Dad and deal with her baggage or she's never going to be able to enjoy her life. Personally having read Teen Titans it's probably for the best, I mean she's been abandoned by her father as a baby, found out that he's a criminal, and when she did first meet him he forced her against her will to attempt to kill her friends. Not exactly a healthy relationship and honestly it probably should be tackled.

    Other then that there are some coffee addiction jokes and more fake Krang from TMNT, though frankly I can't judge too much of that scene as I enjoy my days glass of ice coffee. As for Lobo...well frankly he reads a book, walks through a prison riot, and goes to counseling where again its pretty clear he's up to something because you know its Lobo and I really doubt he's become a better person and sincerely wants to talk with his daughter. But yeah it all ends with her getting to the prison and we will pick up more next issue.

    Personally I'm liking it so far, I think it will just really depend on how it sticks the landing on whether it will be remembered as a good story. But as it stands I at least think its a fun exploration of a brand new character, your just going to be disappointed if you came for the main man because here he is the side man.
    "It's fun and it's cool, so that's all that matters. It's what comics are for, Duh."
    Words to live by.

  2. #2
    Mighty Member
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    Oct 2014


    I really disliked this issue. The pacing is too slow, the comedy is not very funny, and I don't care about the inner monologues and problems of Crush. There is certain writers who don't understand that sometimes, especially in comics, you need to show, don't tell. I don't know how to explain, Crush can be a badass character, but (and I don't know very well the writer) it's like a badass character written by a basic girl from new-york in a starbucks, between two wattpad fanfiction. Everything is slow, the side characters are bland, the romance tedious, and Lobo don't even really appear. They have used the name of Lobo to sell this comics, but I don't think I will read the next volume, unless I need to sleep.
    I try to improve my english, feel free to correct me by DM if you see some mistakes !

  3. #3
    Always Rakzo
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Jesus Christ, Tamaki might be one of the worst writers at handling young voices, the dialogue just tries way too hard to sound "modern" and it only ends-up sounding cringey.

    Art was pretty great though.

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