Quote Originally Posted by Celgress View Post
I had high hopes for this run when I was tempted back by the Kindred buildup. Overall, thus far, it has been average or 2.5 out of 5 stars for me (nothing bad nothing great either, solid). Great, if not phenomenal, buildup with lackluster payoffs, IMO. I hope Spencer gets a chance to address Kindred that they don't leave the plot thread of "Peter's greatest sin he doesn't remember" dangling. If they do leave it out there, I freely admit, I'll be disappointed. *crosses fingers*

Edit - On the upside (hopefully) no more prominent "buddy" Boomerang. *yay*
I would say 3.5 to 4.
Again all this depends on the ending.If the ending is really bad then its a 2.5 or 2.
They did a lot of character growth and undid almost all the Slott damage done on the character.Again I doubt they will undo OMD but I have almost no doubt they will address it.
The flaw was they did way too much.Too many villains and supporting characters.I doubt they can give all of them a satisfying conclusion.
If they can get a good conclusion for the Kindred OMD stuff we will be golden.
MJ said she is aware about it.Kindred keeps saying it.We got a Mephisto and Strange scene as well.
Also after Chameleon Conspiracy we will get Kindred focus on the main ASM issues while we get Sinister Six.They will merge by issue 4 of sinister war.