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  1. #1
    Ultimate Member sifighter's Avatar
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    Default Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #2 spoilers and discussion

    Well Shilo is in some real big trouble right now, though mainly because force beyond his control are conspiring to ruin his life but I'm getting ahead of myself.

    So as fallout from last issue N'vir Free, supposed daughter of Mister Miracle and Big Barda is coming to kill Shilo for apparently besmirching the mantle of Mister Miracle. Of course this makes no sense to Shilo because he has never heard of Scott and Barda Free nor does his Mother box have any trace of them in the world......wait what? That can't be right. Hold on just a second *flips through pages* Huh that's weird, his mother box indicates that there is no global or beyond trace of the Free family and the only Mister Miracle that gets any reference is Thaddeus Brown the man who inspired Scott Free. Yeah so this where this series takes a bit of a turn and maybe indicates that either Shilo and this series is not of Earth-0 which is possible thanks to Infinite Frontier, or somethings going on that has effected the Free's. It's not really sure but all Shilo knows is that N'vir and her core army are hunting him and he's got to get away.

    However if that wasn't bad enough the one thing Shilo didn't want to happen happened and is effecting his life, his race got revealed. See when N'vir attacked he tore his mask and got caught on camera and revealed as a black man to the world. Unfortunately this brought the usual scrutiny that Shilo didn't want in his life as Mister Miracle and is now hounded by the press. So he goes and hides out in one of Thaddeus old hideouts and learns that hey, Thaddeus was secretly cremated and never told Shilo, which is a bit of a blow to the old ego. So genuinely a lot is going on that is making Shilo question his life and what he knows about himself.

    Unfortunately N'vir tracks him down again but thankfully he's got help from ol' Thaddeus because his Urn is supercharging seriously. It looks like it might be new god technology from the look of things but its kind of hard to tell. Either way I have a strong feeling that this series will not be at all what we expected it to be or it is going to pull some big surprises on us as who would have expected N'vir Free daughter of Mister Miracle and Big Barda only to have question what is going on in the reality of this book. Either way it's a really cool mini that I am enjoying and Easton has done a good job getting me invested in Shilo Norman, might have to go look for some old books with him in it.
    "It's fun and it's cool, so that's all that matters. It's what comics are for, Duh."
    Words to live by.

  2. #2


    It's fun and confusing but I'd enjoy it. Its an interesting look at the life of a celebrity.
    Last edited by the illustrious mr. kenway; 06-23-2021 at 04:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member Robotman's Avatar
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    It’s been pretty good so far. I want to see where they’re going with Shilo not knowing who Scott and Barda are/were. They talked about the multiverse but it seems like this is the same Shilo Norman from the Superman backup story, which I’m pretty sure took place on Earth 0.

  4. #4
    Incredible Member
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    I previously saw the title and didn't know anything about it. Historically i've had near zero interest in the character or his goofy (Silver Age) suit. By chance i came across the fact that Brandon Easton was writing it and i've liked his work in the past so i gave the first issue a chance.

    I'm 100% in.

    This is not what i was expecting based upon the history of the characters that have held the mantle in years past and i'm happy about that. It's very much a clean slate and launching pad for this iteration of the character. That's something i very much wish would be applied to other characters on the DC roster whom i shall not name. All of the prerequisites for a fully developed character are in place: independent agency, the ability to perform high level feats, a potential love interest, personal life challenges, etc. and all without the baggage associated with previous (known by comic readers) incarnations of the character weighing down the current Mister Miracle.

    I haven't seen anything thus far that reads like a "built in character handicap" so often placed upon certain characters to keep them from reaching their potential. So far so good.

    I opened my wallet because Mister Miracle / Brandon Easton & Fico Ossio earned my money!

    That's extremely rare when it comes to DC comics.

    I'm getting very light Mister Terrific vibes. I'm not sure if it's for obvious reasons (the under foot discs used to fly) or something else. Either way i like it.
    Last edited by Customizer; 07-16-2021 at 07:54 AM.
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