As the Heirs of the Joestar Legacy rest and prepare for their journey to the verdant wilds of Salem, another group has begun to stir. Deep within the remains of a once flourishing internet, now known as the deep web, those in the know, either by invitation or a curiosity, would find their way to a website riddled by passwords and captchas. Once in, they were greeted by media player displaying a live-stream.

"Good evening, one and all. Once again it is I, your good old friend, G.S. the good samaritan."

The figure was clad in old army fatigues, a weathered trench coat, and beret, with their face covered by an eyeless and mouthless mask comprised of newspaper.

"I hope you all are still riding the highs from last time's news because I most certainly am. The old serpent himself, Johannes Joestar, now rots and the path to Avalon is clear! However..."

Raising a gloved hand, the figure sticks out their index finger, first pointing upward before gradually aiming it towards the camera, "We must remain vigilant my brothers and sisters! For while we have severed the serpent's head, like the hydra, it has spawned more! And like the hydra, we should not forget that its venom burns long after its death, as Heracles would attest to..."

A series of pictures, photos of certain individuals came across the screen, each displaying a varied amount of "points" they were worth.

"Those loyal to our cause and those more... mercenary, these are the fledging heads of the beast! Use this information as you will and use what methods you wish, but we do have a special request. Our friend, Miss Apple, would like you to bring one of them in alive."

A picture, simply named "Lucy" came across the screen.

"This concludes tonight's broadcast. Tune in next time as we step closer and closer to out utopia, Avalon."

「August 24, 22 P.I.」

Morning came to the Joestar Estate, the shuffling of feet from the staff beginning since the crack of dawn and had grown as vacuums and other appliances could be heard at work. It as if nothing had ever occurred in the last few days. No matter how far one's room was from the dining room, the scent of coffee could be caught in waffs, promising the rejuvenation of a cupful and a hearty breakfast.