So the idea for this came from boredly watching TikTok. You know how it goes. Anime fanboys tend to go crazy on there. Someone mentioned that even Krillin was SSJ3 level by ToP and could take Saitama.

That got me thinking. Could he? I don't think that he's SSJ3 level, but...what's his best feat? We know in Dragon Ball, he and Roshi had an entire exchange faster than the eye could see and Roshi could bust a moon relatively easily.

But then you have Saitama getting punched to the moon, shrugging it off and then jumping back. And this is the feat that I keep coming back to because it's the only feat that actually affects him so to speak. It's not a "Oh he just stood there and took it" thing. It knocked him clear to the moon. Granted it didn't do DAMAGE, but it's still a start.

But Krillin was essentially able to bust a moon back in the saiyan saga and showed insane speed clear back in Dragon ball. He's only grown since then and by the ToP he's hands down the strongest human.

But for all his power, I still cannot see him either taking a hit that sends him to the moon or generating a hit that does the same. And yet, by ToP and compared to the other DB characters, shouldn't his speed and power be insane?

But this is rumbles and we go by feats so.......where do we put these two? It's possible I'm over-analyzing this but I suppose I want to get some expert opinions.