Quote Originally Posted by witchboy View Post
She was brainwashed by the Master of the World in the last AF series ten or so years ago.
In the end she killed her cousin and his wife who were guardians of her baby and went on the run.
All these years later she’s still brainwashed but Mac has custody of her in a VR prison where she thinks she’s hiding from the law in a cabin.
Heather broke the brainwashing in the mini, and went on the run.

I don't think she's still brainwashed so much as properly paranoid. The government took custody of her daughter away citing the dangerous nature of her work as Vindicator, and soon afterwards, her daughter was kidnapped as part of a villainous plot (yes, I know it was Heather, but the point still stands). So now Heather's using some common sense and protecting her daughter at all costs.