Quote Originally Posted by MarvelMaster616 View Post
Good piece! Definitely looking forward to Storm's reign as the regent of Arakko. I also like the idea of her having closer ties to Doom. There aren't a lot of characters in the Marvel Universe who Doom genuinely respects. Storm is one of them. She's been a goddess. She's been a queen. She understands what it takes to lead and rule an entire people. In that sense, he can relate to her and she can relate to him in ways few can equal. I hope this means Doom shows up more frequently in the future X-Books.
Really hoping Doom becomes a fixture here or in Guardians. I think the next meeting between Storm/Doom should be in Latveria because it is time the mutant situation there get addressed.

Beyond that a few things stand out to me. A years worth of story planned? Yay!

And Wanda would actually have no story until the AU Darkhold had Al Ewing not dropped a seed for Wanda/Magneto being addressed.