What if you had the power to replace 2 characters on each team by 2 others, what would you do?

X-Men, I would take out Synch and Sunfire and replace them with Gambit and Sunspot

Marauders, I would take out Pyro I and Shinobi and replace them with Pyro II (Simon, love interest of Iceman) and Bloody Bess (Crimson Pirates)

Excalibur, I would take out Gambit and Jubilee and replace them with Shatterstar and Prestige

Hellions, I would take out Orphan Maker and Empath and replace them with Jetstream and Catseye

X-Force, take out Beast and QQ, replaced by Cable and Archangel

New Mutants, replace Warlock and Wolfsbane with Magma and Bedlam