Reading Daredevil #191 without flipping through it first. I believe I wept when I got to that final splash page. This was especially jarring for me after having read Daredevil #181 and witnessing the brutal fight with Bullseye (my first time seeing the character).

Though it proved to be a fake-out (and later retconned to be the actual real deal), the 'return' of Guardian over in Byrne's Alpha Flight. I remember sort of nodding my head along with him in agreeance as he explained his survival to Heather, like '...yeah...I can see that happening, makes sense'. It actually read, to me, as if Byrne was backtracking and regretted killing the character off in #12 and this was his clumsy way of undoing it. I was an idiot, the entire thing was a lie all along (again, until later writers said 'screw it').

I'm not mad at how we got Bucky back. Likewise for Sharon Carter (after being dead for a couple of decades)--the explanations for both were reasonable to me.