So we’re in an interesting period where there’s a bunch of Superman projects either out now or in production, but the main guy himself is likely not getting a solo movie that features the traditional take any time soon. It feels like WB doesn’t know what to do and are throwing stuff at the wall to try to figure out what will click with the public. So with that in mind, I want to know what are your guys’ dream Superman media you would like to see, in any format, starring any corner of the DCU? Here’s mine:

1. A Superman Black Label book that retells the story of his and Bloodsport’s first meeting. Elba’s turned in a great performance as Bloodsport and DuBois is one of the most popular characters with the audience. So I think they should take advantage of that and give us a BL project that updates Bloodsport and his backstory for the modern day (his draft dodging doesn’t really work anymore) and give him the costume and guns from the movie for his debut since those played a huge role in making him look cool. Give us a new origin (I prefer they keep his brother as his motivation over his daughter) and give us that first fight between him and Supes that sent Supes to the hospital.
2. A Steel (John Henry Irons) mini - Natasha is on Clark’s Authority team but John hasn’t gotten much to do. With his resurgence as part of S&L they should give him a mini at least.
3. A President Superman mini - Looks like they’re pushing Calvin to coincide with the Coates movie, so give him a 12 issue mini (preferably written by Brandon Thomas) that gives us either a Hush like walkthrough of his status quo or tells us how he became President.
4. A Kenan Kong mini for Yang - Look I love Kenan and I’m bummed he’s basically been dropped ever since his ongoing ended, I hope DC lets Yang do something with him again
5. A Hush type story for Superman - What I mean by this is a guide to the Superman status quo that also functions to introduce all the big characters in his world, the supporting cast, the villains. Hush was an entry way into the Batman ongoing continuity for a lot of people and Superman could use something like that. Not sure how to approach it, I frankly would have it set inbetween Tomasi and Bendis’ runs, but it’s something I’ve always wanted and we haven’t seen since Up, Up, and Away.
6. A Mark Waid Superman book - This is almost certainly coming but I just wanted to list it here just in case.
7. A Ram V horror Superman story with him and Parasite - I let him know I would love to see it based on his Swamp Thing book and he liked my tweet so here’s hoping!

1. If we get another Superman movie set in the Tomorrowverse I want to see either an adaption of his and Bloodsport’s first encounter or a loose adaption of Exile with Superman ending up fighting on Warworld. I’d have him meet Maxima there as well since I’d like to see her in animation again
2. A Superman Smashes The Klan movie
3. A Suicide Squad animated movie that has Bloodsport leading the team (be cool if Livewire was on the team as well in place of Harley)
4. A Legion of Superheroes spin-off show from Young Justice that stars either Kon or Jon as the main Superfamily rep
5. A Superman & the Authority animated series, Lee is definitely going to try to get his Wildstorm toys adapted at some point, and I would love to see the Morrison book form a basis for it

Video Games
1. A Superman video game (obviously) where he isn’t evil. I have some hope that WB Montreal is working on one but we’ll see
2. Bloodsport as a playable character in the SS game

Live Action
1. A spin-off Steel show for Wole as John Henry Irons
2. Maybe a Legion of Superheroes show? I feel like that would be perfect for the CW or HBO Max. They could use either CW Jon or HBO Conner as the Superman stars

Collected Editions
1. Absolute Editions for Birthright and Secret Identity
2. Omnibuses for Busiek, Johns, and Bendis Superman/Action Comics runs
3. Deluxe Edition of Fraction’s Jimmy Olsen mini