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  1. #16
    Extraordinary Member thwhtGuardian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    Liked issue 3 a lot. Good action and the storyis getting better. Matt Smith is doing great work. Do those who read the novel think the adaptation is good.
    I haven't read the third issue yet...(how'd you get yours, I'm jealous!) but so far I'd say that as an adaptation goes I actually wish they had slowed things down a bit. While the comic has been really solid and I know as an adaptation it can't possible capture every scene in the novel there has been so much so far that was just sped over at break neck speed which I think will really hamper some emotional impact latter on.
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  2. #17
    Extraordinary Member thwhtGuardian's Avatar
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    After having now read the third issue my earlier sentiment remains, the pacing in the novel is far superior to the comic adaptation. Because its only a four issue series the pacing has been so much faster with so many events compressed together and the first casualty was the death of Eitri; in the book he had a lot more "screen" time and thus was much better developed than his comic counterpoint so that when he fell in battle you actually felt something...but here? No such luck. He was in all of three scenes prior to this and they were so brief that it's not possible to even tell him apart from his brother Brokk and he's so inconsequential that his death just feels like another tiny speed bump before Hellboy gets to the real action.

    It's not a terrible book by any stretch, but it's a poor adaptation of a fantastic story that deserved so, so much better.
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  3. #18
    Spectacular Member Skinkie's Avatar
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    Yeah, I’m confused why they went with 4 over 5 or 6. Don’t want to drag out a story beyond what’s needed, but also when you know you’re adapting a lengthy work you don’t want to skimp it down too much. That said I haven’t read the issues yet, but from the initial announcement I’ve been thinking 4 seemed kinda chintzy

  4. #19

  5. #20
    Extraordinary Member thwhtGuardian's Avatar
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    This was hands down one of my least favorite books in a while.
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