Just curious how everyone feels about the Influence that Marvel is affording Mephisto now-a-days.

Between what Jason Aaron has done with the villain over in Avengers (with Mephisto acting like a whisper in MANY Villains Ears over the Centuries, possibly helping push them to finally take an action they had been hold back on, and thus Creating numerous Fights throughout the Marvel Timeline) and what Nick Spencer has been teasing in ASM with Kindred (and what it appears he DID with the Osborns and Mephisto...it totally fits that Norman would sell his son's soul to Mephisto tbh...), it is looking more and more like Mephisto is being treated with far more Respect and Ambition than they have given the character in Decades (if Ever really...I mean...Mephisto is now a Central Villain for the Avengers and Spider-Man...he mainly hung around Ghost Rider and Dr Strange with hints that he was really "the Devil aka Lucifer" and sometimes Thor...but never to the Level he has been given in Both of those Titles Currently)

lmao at this point, I would not be surprised if Mephisto is some how responsible for Hickman's imminent Inferno storyline LMAO