Quote Originally Posted by Scott Taylor View Post
Well that Dallas ending has got to have made Jerry Jones flip his lid. Someone's head is going to roll for that one. Even I know that the players can't spot the ball independently of the officials!

This was explained to me when I toured the Denver Broncos stadium. The place where the players families were at were great, nice and heated etc. All the boxes. Many of the local and regional press all had big nice heated rooms. But the national TV announcers booth was a craphole, no windows even and totally exposed to the elements from the direction of the field. I mean, it had a roof so there is that, plus the booth was seated back a bit so most of the snow and rain wasn't going to directly fly through the open windows. But the place literally had cardboard pasted up in places on the walls, areas to protect cords with cardboard and plastic and paint was kinda peeling, etc. That was one uuuugly booth.

From what they said it is a league rule that the announcers have to have a completely unobstructed view, so no glass. And therefore no heat because it would be kind of ridiculous to heat that kind of room. Also I believe the broadcasts are going for authentic sounds of the crowds, which you can't get if you pipe it into a heated booth.
I see. Thanks for the education.