Siriel wins by default

At the start of the fight, Eli will start to replicate while Barbas will manifest Jasmine's true name, breaking her power just in case.

Once he's done, the Eli clones will start teleporting into the rough vicinity of the enemy team and mobbing them en masse as a distraction for my real strike. They'll particularly focus on the Puddle Jumper, to keep the two inside distracted; while durable, movie Vibranium should give way when attacked by an ever-increasing number of people stronger than Thor.

The first Eli clone will give his helmet to Captain Marvel, to help protect her against telepathy.

Paige will chant the incantation to summon the Hollow into Captain Marvel.
Nos dico super in concessus,
Vox bonus quod malum.
Ultirusque a profugus,
Addo is hic, addo is iam.
Then she'll cast a power-swapping spell on her, which due to the nature of the Hollow will result in Carol getting all of her powers.

Barbas, Charlie, Emma, Castiel and Sylar will use all of their own powers into her as well, granting her an ever-increasing amount of power from Charlie, further amplified by starting off with two of the Infinity Stones, time and reality.

Having acquired the powers of my entire team with the exception of Eli and having nothing to fear from the enemy team as a result, Captain Marvel will teleport above their location of the battlefield and obliterate them all with a single almighty strike that will make it so they've never existed.

If any cowardly survivors have fled this alpha strike she'll chase them down and return them to nothing with her undisputed power over time and space.