Jean Grey would be the current most powerful telepath. Others have shown the on-panel scans, so here are the Word of God’s backing up the scans of Jean being determined the most powerful by current writers and the editor:

If you want other telepaths named the most powerful, you have obviously Xavier from his debut to 2010’s era. It was a transition where Jean became the most powerful during her death, in which slowly shifted the narrative to where so long as she was dead, Xavier maintained his title of most powerful around the late-2000’s era. By the time of her next resurrection, she took the title officially.

Other telepaths noted as the most powerful:

•Nate Grey- Stated in his solo and by Word of God in an AiPT Jean Grey interview during Age of X-Man.

•Cable- This was during the Onslaught Saga to Twelve Arc when he and Nate Grey were the only ones stated to be capable of taking on threats like Onslaught and Death.

•Emma Frost- Jean Grey was dead and Xavier was depowered. Thus, she took the title as most powerful telepath around this time, which was give or take before or around Messiah Complex.

•Red Skull- Took Xavier’s brain. Thus, became the de facto most powerful

•Original Onslaught- He was basically Evil Xavier.

So, these are your list of people claimed to have been “most powerful telepaths” at one point in their history.