So one day you go to the store, but as you walk out you see this:

gonna bash u cunt.jpg

"The f*ck you looking at c*nt I'll boot ya in the f*cking head!" is the first thing Mordred says. "You're f*cking dead" is all Caenis says, and from her tone, you know she means it. You turn to run. "You have 10 seconds to prepare yourself!"

CONGRATULATIONS! Mordred and Caenis are out to kick your arse and they probably won't stop until you're in the hospital, or worse. The good news? You just downloaded the new Khazan Emergency Summon app, which for a monthly fee, lets you summon a protector in times of dire need. Good thing then that you got the Premium subscription, because you're going to need one hell of a protector if they're going to go up against both Mordred and Caenis at the same time!

So. Who you gonna call?