Quote Originally Posted by sbp1972 View Post
I think (just my opinion here) is that they are going for the big reveal to the general public here. Suddenly, you have evidence that mutants know how to bring back the dead. You know that Urich will keep digging and realize how many mutants are back.
So, you'll have the potential public revelation that the mutants know how to bring back the dead, but aren't sharing with the world in general. Parallel, along with Krakoa and terraforming Mars, it will be seen as one more piece of evidence that the mutants are a terrible threat to humanity.

Yeah, it's not a big deal from the "been there, seen that" perspective as far as we are concerned. But, the implications to the in-universe general public and their reaction is where the ramifications get interesting, story-wise.
Quote Originally Posted by Glio View Post
The occasional isolated resurrection and standardized mass resurrection are not the same.

Also, I like to see Cyclops relaxed for a change. Normally we see him with a high stress and this team for him is like a vacation.
Sure, "we" know the significance of mutants coming back from the dead as well as the scope, and I understand where the plot is going. I was just mostly joking about how I imagine even people in the Marvel U must joke about the revolving door at this point.