Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
I think in the original plan Episode VI was going to be a lot darker-Han would die, Vader would die but the Rebellion would still be in a bad place at the end.

Kind of fits with what Yoda said in ESB about Luke rescuing Han and Leia would destroy all for what they fought for.
That sounds vaguely familiar...might've seen something about that in an old magazine maybe.

I know the original draft of New Hope was novelized (12 year old me loved it), but have any of the other original drafts? I feel like that'd be something worth reading.

Quote Originally Posted by CosmiComic View Post
Rian Johnson doing what he wanted and not working out doesn't preclude anyone else
I mean, we live in a world where it occasionally rains fish, so nothing is impossible, and there are times when a creator has gone against the grain and it's turned out well. And there are times when things have already gone bad and need that kind of shift (Star Wars was sorta in that spot after the prequels, which is part of why TFA was so nostalgic; to course correct). You're not "wrong" in that it can "sometimes" work. But just because the gamble *occasionally* pays off, or is even warranted, does not mean it is always good (or smart) business.

I dunno man. I don't find your argument of "it *could* be good!" to be terribly compelling. I'm in here with personal experience, Jon frikkin Favreau, and I could dig out some college texts about creative industries for more citations and studies (you think I came to these conclusions all on my own? I'm largely just repeating smarter, more experienced people and my one big personal lesson ). You hold whatever opinion you like my friend, but believing a thing doesn't make it true, and talking about audience expectations and how that impacts a product is entering the business end of the spectrum, where things are a bit more objective and quantifiable. Unless you got some quality sources to back your argument up, I'd rather just get back to talking about whether Jedi can or should have relationships.

Someone here seemed to like the idea of the next Skywalker (if there were one) not being able to use the Force. Didn't think that would impress anyone, but y'all think it could actually work?