Immediately following Empath's manipulation of Havok, Clone Sinister manages to run away, Psylocke is catatonic, Nanny attempts to murder our Sinister however before anything can truly happen the Hellions are confronted by the X-men who appear to see how they're doing. Spoiler: Not Great

We cut to discover that Emma is taking over the Hellions, Scott and the X-men are in the dark of the whole situation and in spite of the clear amount of rules that He's broken, Sinister gets to walk away free as a bird with no repercussions. The Council has to keep up appearances after all.

In a Data Page, Beast rightfully, calls out Emma for all of what she let slide despite having knowledge of with the Hellions.

Kwannon is confronted by Scott shortly after she breaks bond with Wild Child and lets it be known she's leaving the Hellions. It's very clear she's mad and hurting, however it's unclear if she hates herself or the Council more.

Greycrow has made it his mission to not just kill Empath, but also wipe him from the backups, regardless of what faith awaits him after.

Emma manages to assuage Havok's concerns (And relieve him from Hellions duty) with the promise of resurrecting Madelyn (Can't promise this isn't Emma lying through her teeth.)

Nanny breaks Orphan Maker emotionally following her confrontation with her Ex-husband (A scientist at Orchis) where he had attempted to hijack her ship and destroy the mutant orphanage on Krakoa.

In Short: Things aren't great.