Quote Originally Posted by Triniking1234 View Post
I feel like 80s T'Challa would beat 80s Wolverine since we've seen that good martial artists can take him down.

But now T'Challa could probably borrow Mjolnir and f**k Logan up.
As is said...the issue is becoming more and more about how street level characters do not fit a four color world, at least not as well as one could think. And is not a recent thing. Since the JL formed ages ago it was clear that Batman was a special case, as his capacities bordered reality warping to match up with people like superman or green lantern. Or villains that supposedly aren't same level as those two.
With black Panther, and most of street level characters is the same. At least now they try to give some semi logical (as much as possible in a world where unassisted wingless flight is possible in face of ALL physics rules past, present and future) reasons.
And back to wolvie....No one has answered my question. How would classical 80s Wolverine deal with someone like Nitro? I mean in way thatdoes not involve him instantly dying .