Quote Originally Posted by DragonKent17 View Post
I'm sorry but comparing Jon Kent as the Superman's analogue for Miles Morales is just laughable and exagerating too much and its not the same thing.

I'm fine with the Bi Jon while getting attention for new readers but realistically would still not improve sales if doesn't perform well and this news feels more than your usual "Came out character for PR reasons and media buzz" and since Comic Books is and always be a niche genre.

Jon Kent WILL still bei De-Aged in some form in the future (which my instincts and guts still believe it will happen) and Current Jon would still exist in another form or shape just to balance both sides of the Jon fans without alienating one another as a safe bet. They wouldn't erase his sexuality but they could keep it as queer coded pre-teens still exist.
That's honestly what I'm hoping for (especially since him being younger would make a story like this all the more impactful). I've been saying that there doesn't have to be either/or when it comes to both versions of Jon. But I still wouldn't bank on them finding a way to please everyone.