Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
I still think it’s funky how Kylo’ biggest handicaps are just how much LFL just didn’t want him to be treated as a villain after TFA; TFA gave him a. Decent start while making it clear he was supposed to keep going forward and get more dangerous as a villain, but LFL was just like “But it’s Adam Driver! With beautiful hair! We can’t spend that on a villain!”

People forget how much of a success he was as a villain when TFA came out… and often overlook just how much TLJ undermined and sabotaged that.
Eh, even in the force awakens he was a bad villain after his first scene. Throwing temper tantrums took away any menace he had from stopping that blaster bolt mid air. For what ever reason it was decided he should be a joke from the get go rather than a proper antagonist.