Quote Originally Posted by wleakr View Post
So, if you take away someone's livelihood (i.e. their main source in acquiring the necessities of life), what would that be equivalent to, in your opinion?

Maybe "killing" is too strong a term? But it sure isn't going to be pleasant.
If I make transphobic comments in a meeting at work, I'm going to get fired. I'm going to lose my livelihood.

It will be because I made a choice and paid the consequences. It doesn't mean I've been "killed," or jailed, or silenced. Nor does it mean I can't go and make my livelihood somewhere else, if I'm not stupid enough to lose that job too.

Of course, if a prospective new boss finds out why I got fired, I'm probably not getting that job. Think about the consequences before making the choices. Other people have as many rights as you do, and some of the things you think are "rights"... aren't.