Spoilers for the issue.

The book opens up explaining how Destiny came back: Mystique disguised herself as Charles and Magneto, then got a Cerebro helmet and Destiny's DNA. (These are scenes we saw in the first issue.) Sinister knows that Mystique is coming to him in disguise, but he laughs it off and goes with it.

The Destiny we see is the real Destiny. Mystique disguised herself to trick the Five into reviving Destiny by disguising herself as Xavier. She spent four weeks caring for Destiny, who was freaking out because she was experiencing a rush of different, foreign timelines all at once.

In present time, the Quiet Council vote to put Destiny on the council. Magneto, Kate, Storm, and Charles vote no, but Nightcrawler (voting for his mother's happiness), Sinister, Shaw, Mystique, Emma and Exodus all vote to bring her on. Flashbacks show that Mystique went to each of these people and convinced her to vote her way. In Emma's case, she bribed her with something in a box, though we don't see what it is.

Later, Moira freaks out over that Charles and Mags letting this happen. She proposes they just kill Destiny, but Magneto says he's not going to be a child and go against the spirit of Krakoa by exerting his power to get what he wants. They instead propose that they bring in their own Council member, one they can count on.

We get a transcript of Mystique and Destiny talking. Mystique explains how she's been screwed over by Charles and Mags, and thinks that they kiboshed Destiny's resurrection because they feared her seeing something they wouldn't want her to. Destiny says that she's looking into the future, but she sees nothing - there's a hole there.

Later, Mystique disguises herself as Sage to check into some of X-Force's intel. We see an X-Force mission log about Orchis. A note mentions a Paris safe house gateway. But according to the log, Xavier overrode part of it, saying that they're decreasing observation on Orchis and no longer deems them a threat. A lot of information is redacted.

Then, Mystique impersonates a scientist and enters the safehouse. She talks to some apes (the actual animal, not humans) and one exposits that they made a translocator to the Forge. When it becomes active, they can open a doorway to the inner ring and "force-feed this sick world the medicine that it needs." This utilizes the full power of the sun.

Later, Charles, Magneto and Moira meet Emma at the Louvre. (We know this is Emma because she demonstrates telepathy.) Moira lets Emma read her thoughts, causing Emma to freak out. Emma's really pissed that she was left in the dark and manipulated for years, and says that they lost her loyalty forever. However, she'll still consider siding with them, if only for the greater good. The others are unsure if they made an enemy out of Emma, but at least they know she understands the gravity of what they're doing. Moira says that Charles and Magneto were right, and they need someone they can trust on the council.

Later, the QC meet to fill the next Council spot. Mystique, Destiny, Shaw and Sinister vote against, while everyone else votes for. The newest member is Colossus, "in him we can trust."

The Krakoan at the end says NIMROD.