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  1. #1
    All-New Member
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    Default I really, really want to be able to draw my own comic books, but I have no idea where to start :(

    Hello, my name's Joe, and I absolutely love comic books, I mean, who doesn't right? I've read them for so long, and now I'm really interested in creating a few pages of my own content, however - I have to start from absolute scratch, I can't draw, and my handwriting looks isn't much better. What I'm trying to ask is, are there any resources that I can follow to perhaps improve my drawing skill? I know that once I have the basic skills, that there are lots of different books that I can buy (such as the drawing like marvel book)to give me the actual basic drawing skills.

    Thanks a lot guys, sorry if this didn't make any sense, I've had an awful lot of caffeine this morning!

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Fantastic Member ceroxide's Avatar
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    I'm fairly new to drawing as well however over the past couple of weeks I've seen some dramatic improvements on my drawings and the reason of it being - PRACTICE

    there's no shortcuts or easy way around it. You need to practice a bit whenever you can. I've made it into a habit of everyday drawing for an hour. I mostly focus on the human figure, but I guess you want to do backgrounds as well. I would suggest you buy a sketch pad and hit the nearest park on a busy day and just draw whatever you see people, dogs, squirrels, trees, birds, Frisbee coming at your face, that weird martial arts guy, etc. just draw and draw until you get tired of it and then draw some more. Practice is the only way to get good at it and life drawing is the best practice you can get

    as for making comics the best book I've found is one made by Ryan Stegman called I Draw comics

    if you follow the whole thing you'll come out with a new perspective on how drawing comics works and best of all what the general rule to follow in comics is
    Panel construction, vanishing points, over crowding, etc. The idea of the book is to have you making your own pages and further developing your comic book drawing skills

  4. #4
    All-New Member
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    Thanks man, I'll be hitting up an arts store tomorrow I think!

  5. #5
    All-New Member
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    Cheers man

  6. #6
    Spectral Member Ghost's Avatar
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    I agree with the above suggestions. The best illustrators I know are the ones who practice nearly every day.

    Ive found it helps to draw from life. Meaning drawing live models or just people walking around. Also something I hadnt really considered in the past is to draw comics you have to be good at drawing everything. From mailboxes in the background to birds flying around to cars etc. Dont be afraid to use photo reference, it really does seem to make things turn out better.

  7. #7
    Incredible Member CrazyOldHermit's Avatar
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    You have to be dedicated to practice. The more you practice the better you get. It sounds obvious but you have to be disciplined. Commit to your work. Make sacrifices. Do it a lot. I practice at least fifteen hours a week and that is nothing compared to the pros who draw four times that much.

  8. #8
    Astonishing Member MoneySpider's Avatar
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    There are also tons of "How To Draw" video tutorials on YouTube that might help.

  9. #9
    Deadly Bee Weapon coveredinbees's Avatar
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    This is a great book.
    Take a class as well. I improved a lot with great teachers and a good book. The guy who wrote the book, David K. Rubins, taught my teacher.

  10. #10
    Get Hectic! FLEX HECTIC's Avatar
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    I have this book and all the lesser companions to it...

    And this one...

    And this one too along with it's companion set...

    The Reviews...

    The Wizard books feature a large A-list roster of talent giving tips and tricks so if you were stranded on an island and had to choose it's more bang for your buck!

    Of course Stan Lee's book is very engaging in that fireside chat sort of way while DC's books are technically sound and historically informative!

  11. #11

    Default The International School of Comics Is Offering FREE Classes!

    Quote Originally Posted by dwarvenbeard View Post
    Hello, my name's Joe, and I absolutely love comic books, I mean, who doesn't right? I've read them for so long, and now I'm really interested in creating a few pages of my own content, however - I have to start from absolute scratch, I can't draw, and my handwriting looks isn't much better. What I'm trying to ask is, are there any resources that I can follow to perhaps improve my drawing skill? I know that once I have the basic skills, that there are lots of different books that I can buy (such as the drawing like marvel book)to give me the actual basic drawing skills.

    Thanks a lot guys, sorry if this didn't make any sense, I've had an awful lot of caffeine this morning!
    Imagine your artwork and creative content gracing the cover or a two page spread in one of the most renowned comic books in the industry including “Disney,” “Tiramolla,” or “Rizzoli Corriere della Sera.” Invent the next crime fighting super hero or super villain and allow your artwork to tell a story to millions who share the same dream and vision as you.
    Indulge yourself in an education of a lifetime through the International School of Comics located throughout Italy and Chicago. Instructors will allow you to lose yourself in the world of comics and boost your learning environment with the assistance of special guest mentors whom will deliver students with incomparable experiences. For students whom wish to shy away from the typical college experience and embark on a three year program, International School of Comics is the place for you.
    The next session for aspiring artists begins in October, so be sure to secure your spot sooner than later! Check out our academy located in Chicago IL or visit our website at We are seeking motivated and individuals willing to lose themselves in the world of comics.

    Also, check out our website for information on FREEtember! Throughout the month of September we will be offering free classes daily for those who are wishing to dive into the world of art. All skill levels are welcome!

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