What are some tiny changes to issues that would greatly increase your enjoyment of X-comics?

I'm not thinking large-scale changes like retcon Pietro & Wanda so they are mutants again/changing the whole plot to a story, but small things like colouring or an extra line of dialogue that would increase your enjoyment of a comic.

Some Examples that I'd have loved to have seen/ Maybe will see some day

Saturnyne's hair being coloured more platinum blonde/straight up silver. It's been miscoloured blonde for the whole of the Krakoan Era - it just makes her look too much like Emma Frost for people who don't know her from Classic Excalibur/Captain Britain.

Cypher and Kate Pryde's friendship being acknowledged. I don't think they've been seen together on panel since his resurrection in Necrosha. I don't need a whole story arc dedicated to their friendship but he should have been at Kate's funeral in Marauders or they could have just been drawn chatting in the background of a Hellfire Gala issue.

I wish Kwannon had a throaway line explaining why she's being called Psylocke now. Even something like "everyone keeps getting confused and calling me it so now it's stuck" would work for me.