So...theory time! I posted this on another messageboard, gonna put it here and see what everyone thinks:

On One Life to Live, Viki actually had multiple alters, one for each time her dad molested her, plus one guardian, Niki. In fact I think the guardian was born the first time Victor did that. Later, the alters get reintegrated, guardian remained (popularity+Erika Slezak probably enjoyed played her).

Here, we only have the guardian, Biz. To me that indicates something happened to Liz, once, facilitating the need for a guardian alter. It pops up, NOW, vs when she was with Franco. That tells me (and here's the theory), the alter knows something about Finn, or rather Finn's family, that she wants to protect Liz from. There's a HUGE gulf of time unaccounted for, and I'm talking Jeff first leaving GH (1981) to Liz's first appearance (1997). If they reveal Gregory Chase (Finn's dad) knew either of Liz's parents during that period, like say when Liz was around Violet's age, there you go. That also would be enough to facilitate a return for Jeff, finally, recast or not. Thanks to him being an absentee dad a friend/associate did that to his child. And why Liz hates him yet can't put into words exactly why.