Quote Originally Posted by Dante Milton View Post
This would be very disappointing if true. Duggan and Percy should not be writing two books each, they are both mediocre at best. If Howard must remain on the X-books the very least she could do is drop the characters from her cast she clearly has no ideas for and just write a Betsy book. Really hoping for better news.
When I think about it, Duggan getting two X-Books makes some amount of sense to me.
Gerry Duggan always writes 3 books for Marvel at any one time. I think it's baked into his pay rate.

In late 2020, he had Marauders / Cable / Savage Avengers.
When Cable came to an end in July 2021, he had X-Men / Marauders / Savage Avengers.
When Marauders comes to an end this month, he'll have X-Men / Devil's Reign: X-Men / Savage Avengers.

Devil's Reign: X-Men and Savage Avengers both end by March 2022, leaving only X-Men.
So it makes sense to me that he'll get two more Marvel books in Spring 2022 - one X-book and one non-X-book.
Whether X-Men Red is the X-book he is getting - well, he recently wrote X-Men Green in the Unlimited format (and even hinted that there will be more X-Men Green next year), which at the very least shows that he likes the X-Men (colour) format of books.
If X-Men Red isn't the Mars book, then I can definitely see it being the expansion book for Gerry Duggan's X-Men.

Regarding Benjamin Percy, he writes about 2 books for Marvel (+ a bunch of indie minis and a TV show he's working on which keeps him busy).
He has a Ghost Rider ongoing launching next year.
I think that it's a bit unlikely that he will be doing both X-Force and Wolverine in the relaunch, especially when he'll be coming off a 10-week weekly event.
bishop66 says that he will be doing only one of those, and between the two I think that it is more likely that he sticks to the Wolverine solo and someone else gets X-Force. But I'm not sure.