Quote Originally Posted by BobbysWorld View Post
Yeah, I read that page as being names for possible future timelines, based on big events or status quos present in those futures, as Destiny saw them. So The Empire of the Red Diamond, for instance, I would wager is Destiny's way of referencing a future in which Sinister reins supreme and builds his own empire, using clones of various mutants under his control, like also popped up in the big prophecy image Destiny sees elsewhere in this issue. Judgment Day is her reference to the future she sees with the Eternals and likely the Celestials. She sees three different futures where a Nimrod Extinction Event takes place, basically Nimrod wiping out mutants, The Expanse seems to refer to something else detailed in another of her visions, where she sees a distant mutant church empire spearheaded by Exodus, A New Krakoa likely refers to a Krakoan nation that is either reborn after a cataclysm or dissolution (another of her visions seems to be named The Krakoan Dissolution) or perhaps its her way of referencing a Krakoan nation in the aftermath of a social revolution on the isle that changes the seat of power from the Quiet Council to someone else.

In light of all that, my personal guess is that The Storm System is meant to refer to a possible future Destiny sees in which Storm's position as Regent of Arakko expands until she's not just the Voice of Sol but the whole Sol System is considered 'hers' and she's the singular central authority figure of the entirety of Sol System civilizations there, much like Sinister presumably is for The Empire of the Red Diamond, etc.

Course, that still begs the question whether that's a possible future Gillen or Ewing or anyone else actually intends to FOCUS on and show in depth, either as a possibility or something being built towards, or whether its just a cool sounding name for a possible future era, that Gillen just threw out there to pad out those pages. I don't actually expect that every possible future named in those two pages is one we'll actually see explored to any real degree. We're sure to see some of them explored, but more than a few of those named eras are likely just interesting sounding throwaways.
I know it sounds strange and silly but I was just happy that storm finally had a future. Like we rarely get good things about her in the future it's always she does because so so and so killed the xmen or well she gave birth and nothing.

Thats why I was shocked to see her name even in a possible timeline maybe she is a dictator or something of that sort, but its gillen so I wont be surprised if its something even worse somehow. But to see her be in the future? Yeah that almost brought a tear to my eye.