Quote Originally Posted by butterflykyss View Post
let me vent because I'm a bit annoyed by the article. for years and not necessarily on cbr but definitely on comicvine Jean fans would talk so much ish about Ororo and how she wasn't as powerful as Jean, primarily due to phoenix. I couldn't tell you how many debates I had with people saying Jean was stronger. Now fast forward to Ororo canoncially being a goddess, a confirmed omega, and an omega slayer you have some seemingly trying to have Jean ride on Ororo’s coattails (as evident by this article) . Nothing in Xmen Red 2 had anything to do with Jean. Not one single thing. Let Ororo finally have HER moment to shine.. Like what was even the point of the article. These two characters are not in competition and they are both powerful for entirely different reasons. They are not the same and that is what makes them great. Can anyone please tell me when have you ever seen a writer use a power defining story about Jean to demonstrate how powerful Ororo is? In fact people would do the opposite. Articles like this especially being so out of the left field as you stated are very suspect to me. So to this writer Jean will still be one of the most powerful mutants ever even if Ororo is being shown why she is powerful in her own right.
See this right here is why I never understood the need to try and shoehorn these two into the same arena. The only connection power wise these two share is that they have to keep their minds/emotions on lockdown or shit is going to hit the fan real quick.

Quote Originally Posted by Cyclone_Ablaze View Post
Where was this?!
Check PM.