Quote Originally Posted by Mantis-Ray View Post
Ehhhh I wouldn't really call this sociological. Its very simple and basic, everything about it is basically just "the king sucks"

There is no greater complexity or nuance to this. Exemplified by the fact absolutely no one takes responsibility for anything bad they do. Folsade forcibly activates emergency powers and uses the secret police to target T'Challa as basically a show of authority but the narrative doesn't go into the dark morality such an action is.

Instead Akili takes over, absolving her of any blame, and then Folsade blames T'Challa for everything happening despite the fact she's at least partly responsible for this mess.

There's nothing intelligent to be found here, its mostly just angst and sadness masquerading for complexity and nuance.
You've basically just described Coates run too lol. If people like it that's fine but the majority don't because it's absolutely trashcan tier writing. W behave seen what good writers can do WHILE challenging T'Challa. This ain't it.